Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to Make $100K on Instagram

How to Make $100K on Instagram

how to make $100,000 with your 100k Instagram account and this is just an example number you can make a lot more money with a lot less of a following and vice versa depending if you know what you're doing there's an article by a guy named Kevin Kelly you've introduced this concept couple years ago it's called a thousand true fans and the idea is if you're a creator if you're a musician or any kind of artist that is producing content you know you need to be able to make money off of that right to sustain you know to fuel your art to fuel your work to fuel your passions and a thousand true fans is a concept that if you have a certain amount of followers and out of those dollars a thousand of them are your true fans which means they're willing to spend a hundred bucks on you in the span of a year what are that's buying your t-shirts or buying your you know new music singles or buying your presets or whatever it is if there's a thousand people that follow you that's willing to spend a hundred bucks on you in a span over here that's $100,000 right and a hundred thousand dollars is enough to usually enough in most countries in the world it's more than enough to live quite well comfortably and to focus on your work and to sustain your lifestyle you can pay rent you can buy a car you can live a regular life doing what you love so the concept of a thousand true fans is so applicable in this social media world especially when it comes to Instagram we did a video just recently where we build an account from scratch to 100,000 followers in 48 hours right so out of that 100,000 followers if just one percent of those people is willing to spend a hundred bucks on you in a span of an entire year that's a hundred thousand dollars in today's video we're gonna cover four different ways of how you can monetize your Instagram account by making a business or working as an influencer and all of these ways we've tested in past couple years this is rhykker Charlie the money man not been swap out swap in swap oh okay what's up guys so exciting times alright that's it we live in a day and age where you can actually make money on social media and today we're gonna really dig deep into understanding how can you possibly make money let alone a living off of an Instagram account not hang up the phone until their client either buys we discovered four key ways of making money and they're really easy to implement some of them of different strategies some will take a bit more time but once you understand them that you can start you know going ahead and try to monetize your Instagram account no matter what the following is step number one is selling advertisement space so typically in the olden days if you wanted to promote your product or service you'd make a commercial and then you'd pay a television you know Network put that commercial out there into the ether and then people send that home would watch it and they would be exposed to it and then that commercial would disappear forever that similar style of exchange is happening on Instagram and it's only just started to really pop out in the past few years but essentially what happens is you own an Instagram account and a business wants to expose their product or services to your audience and that's what the exchange is really so you can see how this is possible is once you have an account with the sizeable following and people start reaching out to you you're able to sell posts sell advertising space on your page another way for you to make money with Instagram is affiliate marketing this is where you promote somebody else's product and you have a tracking link and every time you make a sale every time there's some kind of conversion or a download or whatever the specific scenario is you get a kickback you get a little bit of money personally that's not my favorite way to kind of monetize things but if you don't have your own product and if maybe you're not an influencer that might be a good way for you to go if you're not a content creator you can you know sell ads is recommend or you could sell other people's products and based on what you sell you kind of get it back personally I think there's better ways to make money there are a lot more lucrative and we're gonna cover the next the next way to make money with an Instagram account is through brand partnerships so we're gonna pop onto high in life and show you an example of this one of the businesses we work with was actually Sony - cell phone that shoots super super slow-mo perfect for filming adventures stuff at high speeds and slowing it down it's awesome you can see here is the video that we made showcasing just how slow can go it's just us having a good time but as you can see it's got that hashtag add you know a few of the hashtags that the brand is asking for us to throw in there to you know increase exposure for the product itself so people know what it is and what it does this sort of brand partnership is how most companies will engage with an instagramer you know they might be reaching out to 20 or 30 different instagramers to do a similar type of campaign where they're gonna pay you to make content and then promote the product you know what's cool guys is like when we started out with this whole ordeal I mean with high in life and then separately with this Instagram business you know we were first slaying in hundred bucks on the side these the ways we'd make money where it was like owe me 20 bucks 40 bucks 50 bucks 100 bucks and then as we slowly understood the different ways you can monetize and we learned okay there's a different way there's this let's try this Avenue maybe building a business like a product business something what you guys to pay attention to is how much businesses are utilizing influencer marketing right now on Instagram this graph right here shows in 2017 there are over 14 million sponsored posts that's over a billion dollars a business is spending money on Instagram utilizing creators and curator pages to get them to post branded content that number is supposed to double in the next two years this is a huge huge industry and the money is just gonna keep going up and up and up so the way businesses are spending money is changing drastically and a lot of that money the advertising money these businesses dollars are going into Instagram we had experience with eye on life you know being influencers in the in the travel space and figuring out how to make money once we got into this Instagram game and understood how people are making money on Instagram and how influencer marketing is actually working we started to come across way bigger opportunities wave deels we've even made six figures in some of these once you understand how they work and you learn how to build businesses through it sky's the limit for you and really the you know how much money you can make on this there's there's no limit another great way to monetize Instagram is to sell your own physical products or digital actually you know a lot of instagramers will sell like their presets for example or color correcting kind of techniques what we've done in the past and this is actually how we started Instagram was to promote our clothing company when when you went traveling around the world we found a lot of just cool swag that we liked you know in Thailand we found these bright shirts and Nepal we found these sweaters and through we found something else and we wanted to kind of bring that all together make it with our own designs and bringing that into North America and put our logo on it so we started a clothing company and we primarily launched it through Instagram so if you are a business of any kind and you're not a content creator or if you are a content creator either way you can sell products let's talk to possible scenarios if you have a curation account well you can leverage a curation account to work with other creation accounts to promote your business whatever that is whether it's a clothing line whether it's a digit spinners whether it's any kind of physical product if you're an influencer same thing you could have your own brand on a clothing line or on your presets or whatever it is physically or digitally that you want to sell it's cool because you get to actually cross promote that and you get to even sponsor people which is what we did the clothing company we send our swag to other influencers and they were wearing it you know we asked people who bought the swag to take pictures of themselves and send those to us and then we will feature those pictures so it you kind of can get very creative with it but at the end of the day I think it's important to have something of your own you can definitely sell ads you can definitely sell you know affiliate products but when you sell something of your own you care more about it and it's it feels better to create create something right to create a business and to be left with something afterwards that isn't just money that isn't just fleeting cash right now there's anything wrong with that nevertheless physical products marketing them through Instagram is very very powerful whether it's through influencers whether it's through duration pages both work quite well and there's a lot of success stories you know companies like live loci or shreds or ten tree are entirely started with Instagram right there's a lot of success stories of multi multi-million dollar companies that have started and uprooted entirely off of this platform so don't underestimate the power of you know taking your business and using the power of social media on Instagram to promote it and grow it so there you have it there's four ways you can make money with your Instagram account quick recap number one you could just simply sell ads whether it's your personal brand account or whether it's a curation account you just sell ads number two you promote other people's products you do affiliate marketing not necessarily my favorite but it does work really well for some people number three make your own product we have a clothing line a lot of people have you know digital products may be like presets for their photos etc or maybe app downloads there's so many examples of companies who have actually built multi-million dollar companies just off Instagram in a span of a couple years that is another really really great way to kind of monetize it through Instagram and the fourth one which is something that we focused on quite a bit is brand partnerships which is where you work with brands you create collaborations you create content for them and then you expose that content to your audience which is fun especially when you find brands II truly like that you're truly passionate about so if this whole world is interesting to you and you want to learn more about it and you want to go deeper into all of this there's a link in the description click that link sign up for the mailing list and we'll send you a whole bunch of information that is just too much to really put on the youtube channel if you like the series this information please leave us a like leave us a comment share this video with a friend subscribe to the channel hopefully enjoying the series I will see you on the next one and if you have any questions for the next videos leave them in the comments and we'll be sure to answer them and we'll be sure to include them in the next video Cheers.

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